Learning of Mathematics will be becoming one of of the interesting and fun to some of pupils but also it becoming the nightmare to another pupils. The situation also happen if the mathematics teachers unable to understand the needed of pupils and how them will able to accept the mathematics concepts. As we know, pupils are always pushing to get good marks in exam without we know whether the concept that they should understand is good or they have misconcept and just their fate to get good marks.
According to Postman, N. & Weingarther, C.,(1996), “In class try to avoid telling your students any answer... Do not prepare a lesson plan, instead confront your students with some sort of problem which might interest them. Then, allow them to work the problem through without your advise or counsel. Your talk should consist of questions directed to particular students, based on the remarks make by those students. If a student asks you a question, tell him that you don’t know the answer, even if you do. Don’t frightened by the long stretches of silence that might occur. Silence means the students are thinking.”
In my opinion, the suggestions that written by Postman and Weingarther are very suitable to apply in our pupils activities because we can give them space to think and apply their knowledge about the topic taught. As we know, misconception on capacity that may arise among the students while teaching Volume Of Liquid especially when comparing capacity of two containers that can hold more. More than that our students often make comparison of height rather than its capacity.
As a teacher, we should find the suitable methods or solution to make them understand and got the right concept after they have taught the volume of liquid topic. We can apply contructivist approach with the suitable activities that will help us to monitor our students to make sure they got the right concept about volume of liquid. The readiness of teacher to guide them with suitable question to get the answer is very importance. It is because when teacher ask them with the general question they come out with another question that narrow down to the answer.
Nis Azis Nik Pa, (1999) said that, “Contructivism is not more than a commitment on the views that people develop his/her own knowledge. This is means that any knowledge possess by an individual is the result of activity done by that individual, and not an information or learning received passively from outside. Knowledge can be transferred from the individual thinking to another individual thinking. On the other hand, every individual develops, his/her knowledge by using his/her experiences selectively.”
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